15 December 2012

ABC Scripture Book

A few months back while I was scrolling through
my pinterest stuff, I found a book for 
kids that had scriptures that started with each letter of the alphabet.
I was pretty excited, since I thought it would be useful to use 
in our homeschool and preschool activities.
But when I went to the site, she did indeed have 26 different scriptures, but
they didn't all use the King James Version of the Bible.
Which is kind of an issue for me.
So I decided to make my own.

And since I love a free printable as much as anyone,
I'm putting it here to share.
What I did with mine was laminate them, cut them up, and then
punch a hole in the top left corner, then stick them 
on a big ring.  We keep them with our other homeschool stuff and
use each scripture for one week.

Oh, and since I made my own, I included scriptures from the Book of Mormon.
And they are not in order.
But each letter is there.
You can find them HERE.
Also, this is my first time providing a printable.
If you encounter a problem, please let me know
so I can fix it.

What will you use them for?

14 December 2012

It's Sinking In

I've read enough homeschooling blogs to know that every now and then 
something happens and you know that your 
kids are understanding what they are learning.
And not the letters/numbers stuff, but the retention of history and other things that
aren't as tangible.

My first major insight into this phenomenon was today,
just a few minutes ago.

I was vacuuming the house, which takes awhile, since half of it 
is carpet.  And the girls were upstairs/downstairs doing whatever they were doing.
Then as I turned off the vacuum and headed to the next room,
I heard my 5-year-old say to the 2-year-old that
they needed to run from the Nazis.

This morning we read the last chapter of the book 
Twenty and Ten by Claire Huchet Bishop,
which is an historical fiction book about 20 French school children
who hide 10 Jewish children during WW2.

I highly recommend it.
It's only 5 chapters long, nothing too traumatic happens
(we are doing a Kindergarten curriculum), and a really good read.
Before we read it, I just told the kids a sentence or two about Nazis, 
about how they weren't very nice and tried to kill people, even children.
And we read it a chapter or two at a time, as we followed along with our curriculum.

Thank you, Sonlight!

12 December 2012

Rainbow Birthday Party

I tried to avoid it.
But when my daughter came up with the theme of
rainbows for her birthday, I gave in.
And of course it was fun.
I'm not sure why I didn't want to do it, but I'm glad that I didn't try
to talk her out of it (well, at least not much).

And it's kind of embarrassing that it has taken me so long to 
post the pictures, since she's been 5 for a couple months already.
But my excuse is that I forgot my camera and had
to use a friend's phone to get pictures (which is why we only have some
before pics), and then I forgot to download them
to the computer after they were emailed to me.

But here they are, without any further ado...

 The food table

 The cake table

 The top cupcake, for the birthday girl

 The whole scene...my parent's backyard

 The birthday banner I made a few years ago & the rainbow paper chain

 Rainbow cupcakes in a jar (her choice) and some rainbow
Rice Krispie treats in a jar for the gluten/dairy free crowd

 Daddy's special birthday cake

 Rainbow water bottles

And the rainbow pinata!
I made it out of a shoe box.
And since I'm not a big fan of beating pinatas, I made it a pull-tab one.
And since the kids were all little, we made sure that they each had a ribbon 
to pull on at the same time.
We filled it with fruit snacks and homemade gluten & dairy free cookies.

03 December 2012

December holidays

Tomorrow is
National cookie day!
We are celebrating by having some
friends over to decorate and eat some cookies.
And since it's also
National Cookie Cutter Week
We are making cutout cookies.  I think we will go with
gingerbread and sugar cookies.

Wednesday is
Bathtub party day,
so I guess if you can't celebrate cookie day you 
could have a bathtub party.

Friday is 
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

30 November 2012

Elf on the Shelf

Do you have an elf on the shelf?
Or something you use to daily remind the kids that
Santa is watching extra carefully during the month of December?

We never have, until now.
I just finished making some little elves.
One boy and one girl, so we can change it up a little more.
 The best part is, they are small enough to make from fabric scraps.

We'll see how it goes.

20 November 2012

More November Holidays

I'm not sure what the problem is, 
but I've somehow been a little overwhelmed
today.  It could be some bad news I discovered this morning 
(aka a package that was supposedly delivered Friday
has not been seen, so I guess it's been stolen),
or that the kids are extra screamy,
not enough sleep, the moon isn't in my house...whatever that's supposed to mean.

Let's get to the holidays!

Today is
Name your PC Day
Ours has been named for a little over a year, but if
your PC is still nameless, today's the day!

Tomorrow is
World TV Day
So I guess it's not a good time to be screen-free?
If you're traveling for Thanksgiving, maybe you should
take your TV along - you wouldn't want to abandon it
on it's own holiday, would you?
Isn't that a little like leaving a kid behind to fend for themselves
on their birthday?
I guess you're right.

Thursday, the 22nd is
of course.

And Friday, the 23rd is
Black Friday
It's also
Fibonacci Day,
for those of you with an interest in math.
Or sequences and patterns.
You know, the fibonacci number....1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 - etc.
With that being said, can you figure out why that's celebrated on Friday?

Saturday the 24th is
Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day
So what will you be celebrating?

Nap Time's Over....

Two days in a row in the past week,
when I've gone to get my youngest daughter up after nap time,
this is what I've found:
Every single piece of clothing from her dresser
on the floor.
And the drawers scattered around.
And she's been on the floor - I'm not sure if she was
sleeping on the floor or not.
You can see her if you look closely on the right side of the bed.
And please understand - we would not paint a room like this.
It was like this when we bought it.

13 November 2012

Chicken Curry ala Anny

The other night I made curry chicken.
It is delicious.
I love it.
And it's so easy!

I have tried a few different recipes, but every time
I do, I always wish that I had tried the first one that I ever attempted.
It's pretty much fool-proof,
so I thought I'd share it with you.

Here's what I do:

Cook up some chicken - my latest method is to just stick a couple of boneless,
skinless breasts in the crockpot in the morning,
cook them a few hours, then transfer them to the fridge

Cut up and boil some potatoes and carrots.
I think I used 6 or 7 potatoes the other day, and 2 carrots.
Boil until soft, then drain out the water.

While the veggies are cooking, I chopped an onion and 
fried it with the chicken in some olive oil.
Then add it to the drained veggies.

Next, I put in half a package of this curry.
It's delicious.  And not very expensive (notice that price is for a 12-pack!).
And I always make sure to buy the mild.
Because that's how I roll.
This mouth can handle a little spice, but I don't want to buy the hot style
and not be able to enjoy it since it's too spicy for me.

But I digress....
put in the curry, then add some water.  I put in a little over 4 cups, and it was a little 
too much, because it ended up watering down the curry flavor.
So probably 3 1/2 cups would suffice.

Stir it occasionally, so the curry paste will melt and disperse.

Serve over rice.
It may not be a great picture, but it's delicious.
Even the kids have enjoyed it.

I learned this method by watching my sister-in-law make curry when I spent a summer
living at their house in Las Vegas.
And when I remembered it a year or two later, I was super excited
that it turned out so nicely.

I think you can find this type of curry in most supermarkets; it tends
to be a little hidden on the Asian food aisle.
I don't think it's too outrageously priced, either - probably $3-4 per box,
which you can use in at least 2 recipes.  When I first started, I would only
use a square or two.  But now that our family's bigger, we make bigger dishes.
I like it a lot more than the powdered curry that has been used
in the other recipes I've tried.

12 November 2012

This Week's Holidays

This week is Young Reader's Week.
Sounds like the perfect opportunity to go to the library,
although today probably isn't a good idea, since
most libraries are closed in order
to observe Veteran's Day.

Speaking of which, did you thank a vet?
I did.  My favorite one, my husband.
Here are a few pictures of him keeping busy in Afghanistan,
back in 2008:

Wednesday is
National American Teddy Bear Day.
So grab a teddy bear and have a picnic!
Wouldn't that be so fun to do for lunch?  I'll have to make sure
and celebrate that with the girls,
which works out pretty well, since Wednesday is also
International Girls Day.

Thursday is the
Great American Smokeout.
It's a great day to stop smoking if it's been on your mind.
It's also a great day to stop smoking if it hasn't been on your mind.

Thursday is also the day that 
my little brother gets home from his mission!
That's right, his two years are over, and he will
be back in the West before the week is up!
He has done a great job serving on the East coast of the USA.
We love you, Elder!  Looking forward to seeing you during Thanksgiving!!

Saturday is
Homemade Bread Day.
Need I say more?


Laundry Soap Recipe

This is by no means my own recipe,
but I really like it.
I found it on Pinterest, and after a friend
of mine tried it on her blog and loved it, I decided
to try it out

You can find the original post HERE.

When I made my first batch, I also purchased a large container for it.
I was a little nervous about it, since it's large and glass,
and that's not always a good combination,
but it's worked out wonderfully.
So I think for my first batch it was about $30, with
the inclusion of the pretty jar (which I bought for $9.97).

I still keep a spray bottle of Shout handy,
to give the kids' clothes a quick squirt when they've had a messy day,
and a small container of OxyClean for soaking things - 
have you ever tried it on a white baby onesie that's been 
washed and dried (without realizing there were stains from a diaper)?
I soak them overnight in a small amount of cold water, then rinse and wash the next day.
Clean white onesie.

I can't remember when I made the first batch of soap, but I know
for sure it was in this house, and I don't think that 
my son was born yet, so I will go with March.
But my current batch was made on November 1, so 
when that runs out I will know for sure how long it has lasted around here.

10 November 2012

Junk Show

I went to a junk show this morning,
and it was AWESOME!

I picked up a couple of things....
 As I'm sure many of the attendees felt,
I wished I could purchase multiple things from each vendor.
But I had to be responsible....

....such is my lot in life.
Most of the time.

I have even utilized them already!!
I bought them both for the laundry room,
and here they are, 
looking and fitting perfectly, I might add.
 Here's a close up of how the tray
is being used.
I put in our homemade laundry soap (love!),
a tide-to-go pen, and the dryer sheets.
Looking forward to the next show!

If they come near you, I sure recommend checking it out.

03 November 2012


Trying to get settled in after a month of 
being busy busy busy with Halloween.
Let's just say that I will not
be doing that for Thanksgiving.

At least not this year.

Before I forget, here is a picture of my costume - 
part of it anyway.
My sister complained that there wasn't a picture of me,
but I had already changed and then lost
the motivation to get back into it.
I blame it on the tights.
I was a witch.
I made this tutu with ribbons following the great
tutorial found here.
May I just say that is was SUPER EASY,
and I like it a lot more than the tying kind, although it still has the look of a no-sew tutu.

I wore some cutie pink and black striped tights, a black shirt, some
black knee-length leggings, and a black witch hat.
I love Halloween.
I also discovered my husband's requirements for costumes (finally),
so hopefully I will get something figured out for him next year.
Without further ado,
let's get on to this month's special things:
Banana Pudding Lovers Month...mmmmm!
Family Stories Month...good time
to work on your family history - especially to ask older family
members to recall their lives

International Drum Month - get banging!

Military Family Appreciation Month - so grateful
for families who have people who willingly serve in the military!
My husband just finished his Army National Guard career of 7 years.
I have mixed feelings about it, but we are happy he's out.

National Georgia Pecan Month - pecan pie would be delicious at
Thanksgiving!  We always have it at my in-laws,
although it's really Washington Nut Pie, since grandpa uses
walnuts instead of pecans.
It's just as delicious - but half the price to make.

Sweet Potato Awareness Month - are you aware?

And next week, we can enjoy:

Saxophone Day on Tuesday
I LOVE the sax - I played alto sax from
seventh grade through twelfth grade.
It's pretty much awesome.

Tuesday is also Election Day!
Don't forget to vote!!
It was a little strange to do that this weekend
and then drop our ballots in a mailbox.
It's not quite as fun,
but just as important.

Thursday is 
X-Ray Day.
Any suggestions on how to celebrate that?
I don't really want to have a family member need an x-ray.

Friday is
Domino Day
We have two types of domino games at our house.
which the kids love...but shop around because
the price I saw on the link is way too high,
and the other is just a regular set of domino tiles.
But we usually play the Mexican Train way.
And Saturday, the 10th,
is the
United States Marine Corps Birthday.
Happy 237th to my brother Jakefoot!

So much to do.
The most important is probably to vote.
Don't forget!!

31 October 2012

31 Days of Halloween, 28-31

Happy Halloween!
Isn't it crazy how soon the last few days before a holiday come
and then are suddenly gone?
Is it just me?

Day 28:
I took a break.
31 Days was pretty ambitious, and resting is important.

Day 29:
We made B-b bats in our preschool co-op,
which I'm in charge of for two weeks.
Good thing it's only 2 times a week!

Day 30:
Costumes!  I finished them yesterday
with 4 hours to spare before we went trunk or treating.

Day 31:
We hosted our preschool co-op Halloween party.
Here are some pictures of the treats that I made:
We made some ghosties out of a paper plate
and streamers, played Don't Eat Frank (find the free board and
instructions here), and played 
a small bingo game.

We had rice krispie treat pumpkins,
jell-o jiggler witch hats,
and witch brooms made from pretzels and string cheese (which were eaten 
before I remembered to take a picture).

27 October 2012

31 Days of Halloween, 27

Day 27:
Ghost pancakes

Tonight for dinner, we ate pancakes
with chocolate chip eyes and a mouth.
When I filled the plate with the complete pancakes,
I made sure to put the top ones
That way no one knew about it until I put one on the first plate.

The kids were shocked.
And ate them.
And loved them.

Are you wondering how the pumpkin bowling went?
The girls really enjoyed it.

If you listen closely near the end of the one
where my daughter scoots close up and pushes over the rest, you
can hear how much fun the baby had.
He laughed and laughed every time they all fell.
It surprised me that he was even paying attention.

25 October 2012

31 Days of Halloween, 24-26

No pics, just a quick update of the latest 2 activities.

Day 24:
Leaf rubbings
We grabbed some leaves outside and brought them in,
stuck them under some paper,
and rubbed them with crayons.
The pictures ended up on the fridge.

Day 25:
I'll be working on the costumes tonight.

Day 26:
We will be pumpkin bowling.
Take a few rolls of toilet paper and stack in a small
triangle.  I think we will use 3.
Then we will use a small fake pumpkin to roll at the toilet paper
and try to knock them down.
I've got high hopes for a fun thing....we'll see.

24 October 2012

31 Days of Halloween, 19 - 23

No excuses, but please forgive me for taking so long.
Day 19:
The kids and I had the car the other day while Daddy
was camping with the Scouts.
So we went to the home improvement store for some supplies.
On the way, we passed a sign that said free pumpkins.
I thought about stopping, but didn't.
Then we passed it again on the way home, and there were several adults
wearing costumes and flagging down passing cars to come
and get some free pumpkins.
So I turned around and had the girls each pick one.
They had to be small, since the baby was
in the car seat, and he's over 20 lbs (what a chunk!).
Here they are (I included a pencil in the picture so you could see the size):

Day 20 & 21:
Made sugar cookie dough, chilled it overnight.
Cut out cutie Halloween cookies.

Day 22:
Attempted to frost them using royal icing, so it would set and be so beautiful.
It was okay, but I wasn't very pleased with the results:
 Plus I kept dropping them on each other before the icing set,
so they were mainly turning out to be a big mess.
 Note to self - ice with buttercream.

Day 22:
Corn maze!
It was FREE!!  Woohoo!
Here we are at the end.
 Here we are when I lost my balance.  Luckily I caught myself and only my fingers
hit the mud.

Day 23:
Pumpkin patch.
It was a little more than we had expected to pay, having never been to one before.
They were 30 cents a pound.
But we only picked out two (thank goodness).
And while Daddy was paying, we found a big box of teeny pumpkins,
so the girls picked some up and we snapped a photo
'cause they are so cute!

18 October 2012

31 Days of Halloween, 16 - 18

Happy National Chocolate Cupcake Day!!
These were delicious!
And so rich that I needed a glass of milk after eating one.
I'm SO glad I made these in mini size.
AND since I put them in
jack o'lantern wrappers, they are good for a day of Halloween.
Woohoo! for counting double.
 Day 16:
Chocolate cupcakes
Get this amazing recipe HERE.

Day 17
Milk Jug Jack O'Lanterns

Day 18:
Ghosties from garbage bags.
I used some mini white trash bags and balled up a
newspaper and then secured with white string.

16 October 2012

Chocolate Cupcakes & Other Good Stuff

This Thursday is
Chocolate Cupcake Day!
I am going to try a new recipe, which
I'm really hoping turns out as good as it looks.

Tomorrow is
Wear Something Gaudy Day
Apparently this is from the 70s, and the show Three's Company.
So grab something bright, showy,
outlandish, not in good taste, and join the celebration!
Sounds fun.
And right up my alley.

Sunday is the
6th Anniversary
for my husband and me.
That's right, it's been six whole years since we tied the knot.
And we are happy as clams.
Feel free to join the celebration.

31 Days of Halloween: 12 - 15

I know, I know, it's
FINALLY another post.
We had planned for one trip out of town this month, but
ended up having to go out of town again this last weekend.
So it's a catch-up kind of day again.
But it's a great one!

Here's the follow-up to Day 10, my
free Home Depot craft is finished.
 I kinda like it.

Day 12:
Mummify the front door.
After I looked at this picture, I added some
black eye balls, since I thought this was a little strange looking.

Day 13:
Paper pumpkins.
I used paper strips and small brads.

Day 14:
Tissue ghosts

Day 15:
ghost on the mirror
I cut out a ghost from some clear contact paper
and stuck it on the bathroom mirror downstairs.
So far, only my husband
has noticed it.
I saw this on pinterest, and the post suggested
that you use some cling wrap, but I don't buy that.
So I thought contact paper would work pretty good, and it did.
PLUS, I was able to draw out the image on the 
backing paper, which I'm not sure if cling wrap has that or not.

I'm still working on today's craft,
so I will have to post it tomorrow.

11 October 2012

31 Days of Halloween: 9-11

Okay, here's the next three!

Day 9:
I made a banner for the mantle, which consists of
two pieces - the googly eyes on thread,
and some orange and white papers taped to some black ribbon.
Easy-peasy and cute.

 The whole look.

Day 10:
Last night, a friend and I went to
Home Depot to check out a new thing they are
doing at our store, a
FREE monthly craft night.
The craft last night was based on THIS PICTURE,
and here's how mine looks after last night.
 I'll be finishing it up today.
And post a finished picture later.

The craft night was pretty awesome - the four 2x4s were all
painted the base colors and drilled with holes,
because they are put together with dowels instead of screws.
And they provided more paint, markers, and some templates (I didn't use those).
Anything else that we wanted to have on it, we needed to bring it with us,
like gauze or material (or pink ribbon!) for the mummy.
You should check out if your Home Depot will be doing this, too - it was GREAT!!

Day 11:
That same friend brought me a piece
of her pumpkin cheesecake,
which I will enjoy as soon as I feed the baby.
I'm pretty excited because I could smell
the pumpkin as I was taking the picture - it took some restrain to
eat lunch first.

10 October 2012

31 Days of Halloween, Days 3 - 8

Have you given up on me yet?
We went out of town for the weekend,
and I've been working on getting the house in order.
Even though we cleaned it pretty well before
we left, it's always a chore to get it cleaned up when we get home.

But, I have still been working on my 31 Days of Halloween.
Here's what I've done so far:

Day 3:
  Got out the decorations we already had
and decorated the downstairs.


Day 4:
 Printed out some Halloween cuties
and stuck them in frames, then added to the decor
from the day before.
You can find the subway art here, the witch here (available in 8 different colors),
and the say boo here.

Day 5:
 Printed and hung this free Trick or Treat banner.
You can find it here.

 Day 6:
 While we were at grandma's house, the girls
made some spooky haunted houses
with stickers inside the windows and doors.

Day 7:
 Then they made some bats out of circle heads with
pointy ears and tracing their hands for the wings.

Day 8:
 Of course we can't leave grandma's without
my sister painting the girls' nails.  One has candy corn
colors alternating on each finger and the
other has white with green and purple dots.
Or for a different candy corn approach,
see the toes below.  It's a mixture of what
the girls have, candy corn big toe and polka dots for the rest.
Super cute!

Thank you for the free printables to the blogs I linked to.
They have some great ideas, so be sure
to check them out.