Happy Halloween!
Isn't it crazy how soon the last few days before a holiday come
and then are suddenly gone?
Is it just me?
Day 28:
I took a break.
31 Days was pretty ambitious, and resting is important.
Day 29:
We made B-b bats in our preschool co-op,
which I'm in charge of for two weeks.
Good thing it's only 2 times a week!
Day 30:
Costumes! I finished them yesterday
with 4 hours to spare before we went trunk or treating.
Day 31:
We hosted our preschool co-op Halloween party.
Here are some pictures of the treats that I made:
We made some ghosties out of a paper plate
and streamers, played Don't Eat Frank (find the free board and
instructions here), and played
a small bingo game.
We had rice krispie treat pumpkins,
jell-o jiggler witch hats,
and witch brooms made from pretzels and string cheese (which were eaten
before I remembered to take a picture).