08 August 2012

Garden Much?

It may be too late for you, but did you know that today is
Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Night?
Did you even know that that is a holiday?
Well, it is.
And I am glad that I picked up some zucchini when I went shopping this week,
since we do not currently have a garden.
Maybe next year.
When our backyard doesn't look like this:
 Or this, which is what the current situation is.

But if it's too late for you to be sneaky, why not
celebrate Friday's
S'more Day!
Oh yeah, you'd better believe I picked up some marshmallows and chocolate
bars when I was at the grocery store.  We'll probably do it after the kids
are in bed, since that's how we do a lot of things that involve 
sugar around here.
It's not too difficult to keep my kids from eating too much junk food,
but I love it.

And don't forget about the weekend - there are two
holidays that you might enjoy.
Saturday is
National Garage Sale Day
and both Saturday and Sunday are
Kool-Aid Day

So grab some cash, something super sweet to drink, and enjoy your weekend!

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