Well, we missed a few fun holidays between today and
the last post, but have no fear....
they can all be celebrated next year!
So as we anticipate the next month on Saturday, let's start out by naming a few
monthly celebrations you might decide to participate in during September.
Grab a spatula, some pancake batter and start flippin'!
All American Breakfast Month
(or you could scramble eggs, toast bread, pour cereal from the box - what's more
All American than cold cereal with cartoon characters on the box? Of course,
I'm just assuming that started here - I really don't know so if I'm wrong, please don't stress about it.
I've been wrong on a couple occasions in the past.)
Expecting a bundle of joy? Is your baby meeting a new
milestone? Do you have all the baby gates and
cupboard locks you feel are necessary? What better time to get it done than
Baby Safety Month
Get info and tips on keeping your precious bundle safe
Do you love free books? Head to your local library for
Library Card Sign-Up Month
I LOVE the library, probably because I am often reading more than
one book at any given time - right now it's three
(The Three Musketeers by Dumas, The Clouds by Aristophanes,
and The Red Badge of Courage by Crane) -
but I especially love being able to take my children there and check out a bagful of books.
Cuz the kids around here LOVE to read, too!
There are so many more monthly celebrations in September, but those are the ones
I'm highlighting today.
But I won't leave without letting you know some menu planning ideas for next month,
since September is also:
apple month
chili peppers and figs month
go wild during california wild rice month
low cholesterol, low fat pizza bake month
chicken month
fruit & veggies month
honey month
mushroom month
organic harvest month
prime beef month
rice month
passion fruit and peach month
peas and radish month
whole grains month
If that doesn't give you some menu ideas, I don't know what will.
Unless of course it's September 2 - 8, which is
National Waffle Week
(for great ideas other than pancake/waffle batter to try in your waffle iron, check out this site!)
or the 22nd, which is
Ice Cream Cone Day