09 February 2012

This Weekend

There are some neat holidays this weekend.
Saturday is
National Shut-In Visitation Day.

So if you know someone who can't get out and about, feel free to celebrate
this holiday with a nice little visit.
I remember going to see my great-grandparents once when I was really little.  My great-grandma
was really sick and lived in a sort of crib in the living room of their house.
I'm sure it's a tough life to be unable to leave
the house, and I can't imagine anyone not enjoying a short visit.

And Sunday, just before Valentine's Day,
World Marriage Day.

So if you're lucky like me and married to your best friend, don't forget
to celebrate your marriage in some way.
I think that in our current situation that will come in the form of a love note
or a conversation about what a great guy he is.
And in the words of Frank Sinatra,
"Nice & easy does it every time."

1 comment:

Melissa said...

This is so cute.
I'll do some baking.
That's always a celebration. The YW's are on sacrament at the old people's place too so it might give us a chance to visit them.
Great ideas.